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Is Now a Good Time to Cash Out Your Home Equity?

For many Americans, their home is their primary investment. The equity stored in your residence can be a source of available cash for home repairs, upgrades, or for financing the purchase of investment properties. However, few homeowners really understand the process that results in home equity.  What Is Home Equity? Your monthly mortgage payment goes towards two different amounts. The first is the interest that you pay for the loan. The other is your principal payment or the amount that counts against the initial amount that you borrowed for the purchase. Depending on the details of your loan contract, each…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – March 11h, 2019

Last week's economic news included readings on new home sales, construction spending, and housing starts. Data on building permits was released along with Labor Department reports on public and private-sector jobs and the national unemployment rate. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and new jobless claims were also released. Construction Spending Slows as New Home Sales Rise in December Commerce Department data for December indicated less construction spending than for November. Construction spending dipped by -o.60 percent as compared to analyst expectations of a negative reading of -0.30 percent. Construction spending grew by 0.90 percent in November. Lower cash outlays for…
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5 Options To Consider When Your Appraisal Comes In Low

Yikes! You are set on buying the home that you picked out and the appraisal comes back at a lower amount than the amount needed for the home loan to be approved. What do you do? After you calm down your significant other and then take three deep breaths, here are some options to consider. Request A New Appraisal Appraisals are only one person's professional opinion. There are rules that must be followed when making an appraisal; however, there is still some flexibility in how to apply the rules. Check the comparables (also called "comps") that the appraiser used as…
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Sound Advice From Successful Home Sellers

The real estate market and all the things involved in selling a home can seem complicated, and it can be very hard to know which tips to trust. While there's plenty of great advice to go around from many knowledgeable sources, here are some of the best tips from home sellers who have made a successful sale. Research Your Local Agents When considering an agent that will meet your home-selling needs, it can be tempting to go with someone familiar or recommended through a friend who seems like a safe bet. However, it's important to do some of your own…
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Looking For A Major Lifestyle Change? Consider Buying A ‘Micro’ Home

With the sometimes high cost of buying and maintaining a home and the concept of being sustainable becoming more popular, many people are considering moving to a smaller home to minimize their impact. It's important, however, to consider what living small is really like before deciding that it's the right move for you. If you're curious about life on a smaller-scale, here are some things to contemplate beforehand. Getting Rid Of The Excess It's just a fact that a smaller amount of space means a smaller amount of stuff, but many people don't realize this works two ways. While you…
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