4 Things You Should Know About Conventional Mortgage Rates

Securing the best conventional mortgage rate possible can pose a challenge for even veteran property buyers. Your mortgage rate will be determined by a variety of factors that pertain to your unique financial portfolio as well as economic forces. While no one has full control over all of the things that influence the process, understanding the manageable aspects can improve your negotiation position when securing a conventional mortgage. Consider these four things that impact how conventional mortgage rates are determined. 1: Credit Is King A borrower's credit score has a tremendous impact on the final mortgage rate. The general rule…
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Does Private Mortgage Insurance Make Sense For You?

If you are reading this article, it's entirely possible that you are considering buying a home. It's also likely that you are weighing certain financial options between a sizable down payment or taking on the expense of mortgage insurance. It's important to understand that private mortgage insurance (PMI) helps mitigate the lender's risk. It has little benefit to the homeowner, other than help facilitate the mortgage approval process. Home buyers would be well advised to understand the complexities of PMI because not everyone needs or can afford the additional cost. Do You Need PMI? PMI reduces the lending institution's loss…
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Pay Your Mortgage Off Faster With These Money-Smart Strategies

As with any loan or line of credit, there are benefits to getting your mortgage paid down. You'll pay less in interest, potentially saving thousands over the repayment period. Moreover, you'll own your home outright that much quicker. Let's explore four money-smart strategies that will help you to pay your mortgage off faster. Start With The Obvious And Increase Your Payments It won't come as a surprise that one of the easiest ways to get your mortgage paid off is to increase the amount you put towards your monthly payments. Most lenders will allow you to place any extra funds…
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Did You Know: Your Choice of Community Will Impact Your Mortgage – Here’s How

If you are in the market for a new home, you've probably begun the process of choosing the neighborhood or community in which you want to live. The perfect spot to call home will depend on your age, the size and composition of your family, your working life and other factors. However, one thing you may not know is that the community you choose to live in can also impact your mortgage. In today's post, we'll explore how the local area in which you live can affect your mortgage financing and interest rate. Lender Pricing Varies By State As you…
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