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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – December 10th, 2018

Last week's economic reports included readings on construction spending and Labor Department readings on private and public jobs growth. The Consumer Sentiment Index was released along with weekly readings on mortgage rates and new jobless claims. Construction Spending Slows in October Residential construction slowed in last month as public works projects increased. Private sector construction spending fell by -0.10 percent as compared to expected growth of 0.30 percent and last month's negative reading of -0.10 percent. Construction spending for October was $1.309 billion on a seasonally adjusted annual basis as compared to September's revised reading of $1.311 billion. Overall construction…
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4 Important Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying A Green Home

Buying a home is one of the most important decisions you can make. There are many decisions involved in choosing the right home from picking a real estate agent, to figuring out what type of home will suit your needs. You want the right sized rooms, a floor plan that fits your family, and certain home features you know you can't live without. With all the decisions you have to make surrounding your new place to live, you may want to consider buying a green home. Green homes can be a little more expensive up front, but over time they…
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Newest Home Pricing Data Shows Homes Becoming More Attainable Across The Country

Case-Shiller's 20-city home price index for September reported the lowest pace of year-over-year home price growth in almost two years. Lower home prices balanced housing markets between sellers and buyers, but home prices continued to grow approximately two times faster than wage growth. Case-Shiller's 20 city home price index for September posted a home price growth rate of 5.20 percent as compared to August's year-over-year growth rate of 5.70 percent. While analysts expected slower rates of home price growth, they weren't expecting the steep declines seen in September's report. David Blitzer, Chairman and CEO of the S&P Dow Jones Indices…
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Home Buying Power Remains In Motion Depsite Rising Mortgage Rates

The real estate market does not occupy a space outside the laws of physics. As Sir Isaac Newton so aptly theorized, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." When applying the English physicist's Third Law to today's rising mortgage rates, anticipating the reaction can be valuable information if you are planning to buy or sell a home or commercial property. At first blush, residential home buyers and commercial property investors might expect the "opposite" reaction to impact buying power negatively. The initial data might lead many to believe that premise. How Home Buyers Reacted To Rate Hikes…
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NAHB Reports Lowest Builder Confidence Reading Since 2014

Obstacles facing home builders have caught up with high builder confidence according to the National Association of Home Builders Housing Market Index for November. Builder confidence dropped eight points to an index reading of 60, which was the largest month-to-month drop in builder confidence since 2014. November's decline in builder confidence was greater than the largest month-to-month decline during the housing crisis. Housing Market Index readings over 50 are considered positive, but analysts said that long-standing headwinds caught up with home builders' outlook on housing market conditions and sub-categories used to comprise the overall Housing Market Index reading. Obstacles Impacted…
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