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Millennial Home Buyers: What You Need To Know

In the past, you've likely read about how the Millennial generation is opting to rent rather than buy property. While this still holds true for many Millennials, the fact is that a growing number of this generation is making the leap into buying. In fact, according to Inc., Millennials today represent the largest demographic of new home buyers, responsible for about 35 percent of all real estate purchases. (For comparison's sake, Gen X'ers are responsible for about 25 percent of the buyer's market.) What's more is the Millennial home buyers have been trending upwards for about four years now, and…
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New Home Construction Boom Expected

The housing market has been trending in a positive direction and economic indicators point to new home construction going vertical. Following the housing bubble and sluggish post-recession economy, construction companies largely turned their attention away from new homes. Diminished values, high regulatory and materials costs served as deterrents to home-building. But the economic revival the country is experiencing - coupled with a housing shortage - has builders poised to jump back into the single-family home game. Here are three reasons new home construction is expected to boom. 1: First-Time Buyer Lifestyles Consider that the last big new construction boom occurred…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – August 27th, 2018

Last week's economic readings included reports on sales of new and previously-owned homes, and weekly reports on mortgage rates and first-time jobless claims. Sales of New and Pre-owned Homes Falter in July Home sales were lower in July, with new and pre-owned home sales falling short of projections and June sales. According to the Commerce Department, new homes sold at an annual rate of 627,000 sales as compared to 640,000 new home sales projected and a pace of 638,000 homes sold in June. Downward revisions for previous months contributed to a lower sales pace reported in July; but the average…
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4 Things To Know About Homestead Exemptions

Homeowners are well aware that peripheral costs swell over time and can put a strain on incomes. Utility bills increase, home insurance creeps up annually and taxes rise with the cost of schools and road repair. That's why many communities have enacted homestead exemptions that can help stabilize and even lower tax bills in some cases. Although these exemptions are not well publicized, knowing how they work and how to apply could save you a good deal of money. Understanding The Homestead Exemption A homestead exemption helps homeowners lower and/or fix the amount you pay in local taxes. Qualifying property…
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4 Reasons Millennials Should Buy A Retirement Home First

There’s an idea running through marketing and business circles that anything that is popular, the opposite will likely be popular as well. Consider that sugar and caffeinated beverages such as Coca-Cola have seemingly opposite products like Coke Zero. That product, in turn, is offset in the marketplace by high-sugar, high-caffeine energy drinks such as Monster and Red Bull. In the housing industry, reverse living homes enjoy popularity. Basically, the bedrooms are downstairs while the kitchen, living room and other gathering spaces are upstairs. This concept of doing the opposite brings us to the idea about buying a first home. The…
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